
Structure of ITE

Mission Statement

To provide the global community of transportation professionals with the knowledge, practices, skills, and connections to serve the needs of their communities and help shape the future of the profession and transportation in the societal context.


Vision Statement

“To be the transportation organization of choice”


Value Statements

  • Technical Excellence:  We are recognized technical leaders in our profession and bring innovation to our work.
  • Community:  We promote collaboration within our professional and local communities.
  • Making a Difference:  We create positive outcomes in our society and our world.
  • Diversity and Inclusion:  We embrace a diverse membership that reflects the broad demographics of cultures, skills, disciplines and experiences of the global communities we serve.


Operational Structure

Operational Overview

About ITE


Staff Organizational


Board and Member Program Committees


Other Operational Policies

  • ITE Privacy Policy
  • Commercial Endorsements:  ITE does not endorse or imply endorsement of any commercial organization or of its products, plans and/or programs.  This policy applies to ITE officials, staff and all units of ITE, including its councils, Districts, Sections and Chapters. ITE will not publish an advertisement that states or clearly implies endorsement of a commercial product or of its manufacturer on the part of a named ITE members, educational or research institution, professional group/organization or government agency, without the express approval of the indicated endorser. Endorsement does not mean restricting sharing of information. Having organizations or industry services engaged in presentations, exhibits and meetings would not be ITE endorsement, so long as the opportunity is available to all members.
  • Legislative and Regulatory Involvement: Within certain specified limits, ITE may offer the expertise and experience of its members in the formulation of legislation, government regulations and administrative directives in the field of transportation. Input can be provided through the review of drafts, submission of written and oral comments and testimony, and conference between government personal and members of ITE. As a tax-exempt association however, ITE and its Districts, Sections and Chapters must comply with certain legal limitations on these activities. ITE’s tax-exempt status prohibits the use of a “substantial portion” of its resources to influence legislation. In addition, ITE cannot become involved in activities or provide resources to assist any specific candidates for public office.
  • To that end, the Advocacy Committee was established as an advisory committee to the International Board of Direction. Its mission is to explore and suggest ways in which ITE can become more active in furthering the interests of its members and in representing those interests within the transportation community. The committee will attempt to assist ITE members and the Institute in attaining greater visibility and recognition in the profession as well as to develop action plans to promote ITE’s activity relative to its strategic priorities. Collaboration with the Advocacy Committee at a Section level is encouraged.
  • ITE Elections: To make the opportunity to serve in ITE leadership as welcoming and inclusive as possible, Districts, Sections, and Chapters shall treat candidates equally and fairly for all candidates. Care needs to be taken to avoid the actions or appearances of endorsements of current ITE leaders as it can be seen as a narrow group, clique or club in ITE leadership.  This is particularly important in the International officer elections where endorsements can easily be perceived without care toward balanced communications. For these reasons ITE elected and appointed leadership are asked to follow conduct guidelines with respect to campaigns. Publishing campaign statements, reading campaign statements at meetings, advertising the campaign and providing opportunities for candidates or supporters to address their membership should treat candidates equally. Support and communication provided candidates by Districts, Sections, and Chapters shall be equal with respect to publishing campaign information in newsletters and on websites. Those in ITE leadership and those acting on behalf of ITE bodies (e.g., webmasters) are encouraged to share/retweet/post all election information and Vice President Candidate posts that are shared/retweeted/posted on the ITE International website and/or social media sites.  ITE leadership shall not forward/share/retweet/like any information related to the election except for what is posted/shared/retweeted on the ITE International website or social media sites as doing so could appear to be an endorsement for that candidate. ITE leadership shall treat candidates equally with respect to social media posts. If an entity forwards/shares/retweets/likes or allows being mentioned in posts for a Candidate they shall do the same equally and fairly for all Candidates. ITE leaders shall not tag or mention other ITE members in election related social media posts without their permission. Leaders are also to help guide general membership in campaign conduct that is open, welcoming and inclusive. That includes members only expressing support of a candidate as an individual if using mail or electronic communication, not as part of a multiple-member group or group endorsement. No member should distribute materials with the named endorsement of other members for a candidate without their express written approval from those members.


ITE Code of Conduct

ITE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and ITE staff. All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, ITE staff members, service providers, and all others are expected to abide by this Virtual Programs Code of Conduct. This Policy applies to all ITE meeting-related events, including those sponsored by organizations other than ITE but held in conjunction with ITE events, on public or private platforms. ITE has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment by participants or our staff at our meetings. If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, ITE asks that you inform Adam Martin, Senior Director of ITE Meetings, or 202-464-6234 so that we can take the appropriate action.

Unacceptable Behavior is defined as: 

  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form. 
  • Verbal abuse of any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, ITE staff member, service provider, or other meeting guest. 
  • Examples of verbal abuse include, but are not limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or in presentations, or threatening or stalking any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, ITE staff member, service provider, or other meeting guest. 
  • Disruption of presentations during sessions, in the exhibit hall, or at other events organized by ITE. All participants must comply with the instructions of the moderator and any ITE event staff.
  • Presentations, postings, and messages should not contain promotional materials, special offers, job offers, product announcements, or solicitation for services. ITE reserves the right to remove such messages and potentially ban sources of those solicitations. • Participants should not copy or take screen shots of Q&A or any chat room activity that takes place in the virtual space. ITE reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate.
  • Participants should not copy or take screen shots of Q&A or any chat room activity that takes place in ITE virtual spaces, when applicable. ITE reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate.


Council Leadership Team/Councils/Committees

More than 18,000 members of ITE are on the leading edge of issues through their participation in ITE’s Councils. The Councils and their Committees are the “technical engine” of ITE. There are currently six technical Councils for members to subscribe to and participate in via the ITE e-Community. Participation is free to ITE members. These Councils and Committees help envision, create, oversee, update and share the latest technical content of the profession. At a Section level, collaboration with the Councils and Committees for technical presentations and volunteer support is encouraged.

Membership in all ITE Councils and Committees and participation in volunteer technical activities are open to all ITE members.

The Council Leadership Team is simply the collaboration of all the ITE Council leaders as a group to coordinate activity and share cross cutting initiatives. The Council chairs are selected by the ITE President and serve three-year terms. Many Council chairs transition to leadership through participation, but that is not the only path to leading Councils. Active professional leadership in a Council’s technical specialty is a key consideration.

In addition, ITE has three organization-based Employer Councils. These councils provide member organizations with the opportunity to provide input on ITE’s programming and policies while also demonstrating their commitment to and leadership in the transportation industry. View all the Councils here


Technical Overview

ITE Technical Products

The primary focus of ITE’s technical activities and responsibility of ITE’s technical staff is to facilitate the development of technical products for use by ITE members and other transportation professionals.

Volunteer / Staff Products – Most ITE technical products are developed primarily through the efforts of volunteers and/or ITE technical staff.  These include:

  • Recommended Practices
  • Manuals
  • Handbooks
  • Guides
  • Informational Reports
  • ITE Journal articles
  • Quick Bites/briefs  
  • Webinars
  • Presentations at Section, District, and International levels

Recent examples of significant volunteer / staff-led products include the Sustainable Traffic Signal Development Informational Report, Pedestrian Crosswalk Policy Guide, the 2020 supplement to the 10th edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual, and the Curbside Management Practitioners Guide.

Contract Products – Some of the more substantial ITE technical products are developed with funding support from external sources, primarily the U.S Department of Transportation.  ITE may serve as a contractor or subcontractor in the development of these products.  Recent examples of this type of technical product include the FHWA Highway-Rail Crossing Handbook and the FHWA Traffic Signal Benchmarking and State of the Practice Report.


Developing Trends Report

Each year the ITE Councils assess the landscape of the transportation profession and raise issues that they believe are emerging in the industry. The Council Leadership Team presents this report to the ITE International Board of Direction each fall for their consideration in advancing the Board’s Strategic Plan for ITE. The Board assesses the report and determines if for the coming year an area of emphasis is needed to advance member knowledge in key area. This can result in ITE-wide listening sessions, webinars, meeting presentations, ITE Journal articles and other means of sharing information within the membership. These can migrate to greater Council involvement and activities in the area or become committees. The last several initiatives are noted below as samples:

  • Equity in Transportation
  • Big Data/Data Analytics
  • MaaS/MOD
  • Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Transportation and Health
  • Smart Communities
  • Vision Zero


ITE Annual Meeting Technical Program

The ITE Annual Meeting is one of the top networking and information sharing events available to our members. The International Annual Meeting is a means by which emerging topics, locally from the host site, regionally, nationally and internationally are presented. Development of the program content for the ITE Annual Meeting is led by ITE technical staff.  This process kicks off around October 1 of each year with release of a Call for Abstracts soliciting proposals for both individual presentations and sessions / workshops at the following year’s Annual Meeting.  The Call for Abstracts generally closes immediately after Thanksgiving and the basic framework for the program is completed by the end of January, when speaker invitations are sent.  Since 2016, the ITE Annual Meeting has been conducted as a joint meeting with one or more host ITE Districts.  Development of the various elements of the program is conducted while considering the interests of and issues facing the host District(s).

  • Plenary speakers – A typical Annual Meeting program includes a keynote speaker in the opening plenary session, a plenary session with a moderated panel discussion on a technical topic of current interest, and a nationally recognized speaker at the closing session. 
  • 90 minute sessions are developed based largely on presentation abstracts or session proposals submitted in response to the Call for Abstracts
  • Poster presentations – Poster presentations are largely made up of presentation abstracts submitted in response to the Call for Abstracts that are suitable for a poster presentation format and cannot otherwise be included in technical session themes. 
  • Workshops – are designed to offer participants a more interactive format or for a longer duration than typically available in a regular session (workshops are typically 2-4 hours in duration)
  • Technical tours – these are designed to expose Annual Meeting attendees to local transportation history, infrastructure, and projects and are largely identified and conducted by the Local Arrangements Committee formed by the host District(s).

Districts and Sections can follow aspects of this framework in considering local annual meetings. ITE staff and District officers are available to help Sections with planning details – particularly hotel negotiations. Typically, the District Annual Meetings are held in the spring and fall, whereas the International Annual meeting is held in the summer.


Partnerships with Other Organizations

ITE maintains a technical liaison relationship with about two dozen external organizations in order to coordinate and collaborate on key activities of mutual interest, in order to both avoid duplication and leverage the individual strengths of each organization.   These are largely informal relationships but in some cases involve a more formal agreement or Memorandum of Understanding.  These organizations include:

  • AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 
  • America Walks
  • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
  • American Planning Association 
  • American Public Health Association
  • American Public Transportation Association
  • Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
  • Council of University Transportation Centers
  • Governor’s Highway Safety Association
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
  • International Municipal Signal Association
  • International Professional Association for Transportation and Health
  • ITS America
  • National Association of City Transportation Officials
  • National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
  • National Complete Streets Coalition
  • National League of Cities
  • National Parking Association
  • National Safety Council
  • Streetsmart
  • Transportation Research Board
  • Vision Zero Network

Sections are free to develop partnerships with these and other organizations for meeting events or activities. If Sections are asked to support, endorse or enter into financial agreement with these or other groups, it is best practice for local officers to contact ITE staff and coordinate on matters when they go beyond having a meeting together.


Member Programs and Services 

The ITE Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is the ITE professional development clearinghouse. As a transportation professional, you know that maintaining your skills is critical to your professional development and career success. ITE is committed to providing you with the educational offerings necessary so you can perform your job most effectively and keep our streets moving.

We try to provide you with the latest trends as well as the tools and skills you need as a transportation professional by offering several avenues for your professional development and education. All of this information can be found here.


ITE e-Community

ITE’s e-Community is an exclusive member benefit of ITE that connects you to all of ITE’s members virtually.  

  • Connects you to all of ITE’s members
  • Gives you local, national, regional and global perspectives on transportation
  • Never sleeps and is available 24/7/365
  • Become more knowledgeable, connect with peers, expand your network, and develop your professional brand

This video provides a quick glimpse into the benefits of ITE e-Community:  ITE e-Community – a window into a world of ideas, people, and resources.

ITE Career Center

ITE’s Career Center provides employers and job seekers a portal to successfully find one another.   

Employers can post jobs, access over 10,000 searchable resumes, and have over 1000 average views per job they post.  Prices for posting are reasonable and start at 30 days. ITE members receive a discount off the price of posting.

For Job Seekers, the ITE Career Center can offer you a place to create a profile, post your resume, view job listings, and get alerts when promising job are added.  You can also get resume tips and professional career coaching.  

Transportation Professional Certification Board

The Transportation Professional Certification Board is a separate 501 (c) 3 organization from ITE. Its purpose is to serve as the certification arm of the transportation industry and offers certifications for the Professional Traffic Operations Engineer® (PTOE), Professional Transportation Planners® (PTP) and two levels of Road Safety Professionals®. 

ITE offers certification preparatory resources for each of these certifications in the ITE Learning Hub. The Refresher Courses are independent of the TPCB certification program and are in no way required for taking the examination or are they the only means for preparing.

TPCB also provides links to a wide range of industry resources for transportation and road safety professionals who need to earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs) toward certification or certification maintenance for the PTOE, PTP and RSP certifications.

For detailed information about TPCB, go to