About ITE

F. Bruce Crandall

F. Bruce CrandallBruce Crandall served as ITE’s International President in 1952 to 1953.

Bruce worked 39 years for the Oregon Highway Department starting in the summer of 1929 as a member of a survey party.  In 1942 he was appointed Assistant State Traffic Engineer, and in 1947 he was promoted to State Traffic Engineer, a post he held until his retirement in 1971.

Bruce was a true innovator in the field of transportation engineering.  He pioneered many of the traffic engineering principles that we rely on today, including the use of yellow paint for centerline striping.  He played a key role in the development of the landmark 1971 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and he served on the National Joint Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for 28 years.  

Bruce was ITE’s Western Director on the Board of Direction in 1946 and 1947.  In 1950, he was nominated by petition for Institute Vice President.  He went on to win that election and in turn was elected as ITE President.  Bruce also served as associate editor of the second edition of the  Traffic Engineering Handbook.  He has also been very active in AASHTO, TRB, ASCE, and APWA.