About ITE

Wolfgang S. "Wolf" Homburger

Wolfgang S. HomburgerDuring his over 40-year tenure at the University of California at Berkeley, Homburger tutored and/or was mentor to hundreds of students who went on to careers in transportation.  In addition, he served ITE in a variety of leadership capacities at the section, district and international levels, including District 6 Director from 1990 to 1992.  Homburger has been most perceptive in recognizing emerging issues and helping to work toward addressing them.  He raised these issues in a column that he wrote during the 1970s for the WesternITE newsleter called “From the Ivory Tower.”

Homburger has written and/or edited a number of widely used textbooks and references.  These include Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering (now in its 4th edition), Introduction to Transportation Engineering, Transportation and Traffic Engineering and Residential Street Design and Traffic Control.  These books have been distributed throughout the world.  Homburger also has been a visiting lecturer in the United Kingdom, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland.   

But far more than any of these achievements, he is honored for his high standards of honesty and integrity.  

Homburger joins three others from the San Francisco Bay Section, who have been named Honorary Members – Ross T. Shoaf, James H. Kell and Adolf D. May.