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May 15, 2023
Korn Ferry Releases Job Description for New ITE Executive Director and CEO
May 11, 2023
Learn about the Importance of Bike Runnels with this new ITE Quick Bite

Runnels are used in bike-friendly cities around the world and known by various names including bicycle stairway channels, wheel ramps, tracks, gutters, push ramps and/or access ramps. While bicyclists use of stairs is no replacement for ridable paths and routes, sometimes stairs provide a more direct route. While a fairly simple concept, bike runnels can be deceptively complex and require careful attention in design to address intended users. This requires specific efforts to minimize adverse impacts to people using the stairways. Stair use by those with mobility limitations, older persons, or young children who depend upon access to the handrails, requires the stairway tread to be free of any possible tripping hazard.

May 10, 2023
ITE Technical Brief: Institutionalizing the Safe System Approach in Local Road Safety Plans Released

This document considers opportunities to evolve and align the LRSP process with a more robust and holistic safety framework, embracing national and international best practice—the Safe System approach—to address our road safety crisis in the United States. In 2021, an estimated 42,915 people died in collisions in the United States, a 10.5 percent increase over 2020 and the highest number since 2005. 2 The Safe System approach aims to eliminate fatal and serious injuries for all road users by accommodating human mistakes and keeping impacts on the human body at tolerable levels. Embedded in this approach is a Vision Zero goal, with the creation of a Safe System as the method to achieve that goal. Making a commitment to Zero Deaths and serious injuries means addressing crash risks through the five elements of the Safe System and promoting a holistic approach to safety across the entire roadway system through the six principles of the Safe System. As shown in Figure 1, the Safe System principles (outer ring) are the fundamental beliefs the approach is built on. The Safe System elements, shown in the middle ring, are the conduits through which the approach must be implemented.

April 26, 2023
FCC Approves First Waiver for C-V2X

The FCC has approved the "Joint Waiver" for C-V2X that was filed on behalf of 14 different public and private organizations. 

This is an important first step as we attempt to regain momentum in the deployment of V2X technology, and will hopefully be the icebreaker in releasing approvals for the dozens of other C-V2X waiver requests submitted to the FCC over the past 12-18 months - and still not acted upon yet.

The waiver approval is subject to whatever changes might be implemented in a final rule on C-V2X technical parameters and licensing (via the 2nd Report & Order), which is likely not going to be released until much later this year - or most probably some time in 2024.

ITE's CAV Standing Committee will continue to monitor the evolution of C-V2X technology, licensing, and deployment - with several members participating in a USDOT V2X Workshop being held later this week in Dallas.

April 19, 2023
The Consortium for Innovative Transportation Education (CITE) 2023 Operations Academy Now Accepting Applications

The Operations Academy is an immersive hybrid training program focused on Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSMO).  Through a mix of classroom instruction, speakers, workshops, and exploring case studies the academy will provide opportunities to practice and internalize TSMO principles beyond what is possible in traditional classes and short courses.  ITE is a supporting organization for the Ops Academy. The application deadline is May 19.

April 12, 2023
Seeking Answers for Residential Local Street Sidewalks? This Resource Can Help!
Have You Seen My Staff? A New ITE Quick Bite from the Joint Employer Councils Discusses Recruiting and Retention
ITE Safety Council Releases the ITE Technical Brief: Application of Big Data in Safety Analysis
April 11, 2023
A New ITE Quick Bite Addresses Transit Deserts – Myths, Realities, and Solutions
March 26, 2023
Congratulation to Clemson University for Winning the Southern District Collegiate Traffic Bowl