About ITE

2026 International President and Vice President

International President 

Gordon E. Meth, P.E., P.Eng., PTOE, PTP, RSP2I, T.E. (F)
Transportation Engineering Expert Witness
Robson Forensic
Cedar Knolls, NJ, USA

International Vice President

Neelam Dorman, P.E., T.E.
Planning Manager
Oregon Department of Transportation
Portland, OR, USA




Important Dates

January 2025 – ITE Journal Article: includes candidate bios and general information about the election. Click Here to View

Wednesday, February 5 - VP Officer Election Ballot Opens at 12:00 noon EDT
Eligible voters will receive an email with a personalized link. If you did not receive a ballot and believe that you should have, please contact Stephen Byrd.

Wednesday, March 5 - VP Officer Election Ballot site closes at noon EST


2026 Vice President Candidate Interviews 
For this year’s election, Steve Kuciemba held one interview with each candidate on key topics, including how they became involved with ITE, their activities within ITE,  and why they want to be ITE International Vice President. Below are the links to each interview.

Neelam Dorman Video Interview

Hardik Shah Video Interview


Other Links

Prospective International VP Candidate Packet

Campaign Conduct--Board Procedures Document

Campaign Social Media Guidelines