
Diversity and Inclusion

ITE believes that differences in background and experience enrich the culture and experiences of ITE for our membership as they do for the communities in which we live and work. Because personal experience and identity shape how people see the world, greater inclusion will provide a more thoughtful, open, and integrated sharing of ideas and experiences across the entire global membership. It is to the benefit of all our members to seek greater diversity of ideas and experiences that will help us to be in a position to tackle transportation’s biggest challenges and to develop the preparedness and resilience that ITE will need to address future challenges that cannot be currently defined.

Actively encouraging participation from traditionally underrepresented groups to pursue careers in transportation and to become members as well as leaders within ITE is one means to bring a more diverse and inclusive membership into ITE.

With that in mind and in support of our strategic plan, ITE President, Michael Sanderson, established the Diversity & Inclusion Committee. This committee, originally led by Alyssa Rodriguez identified both activities and systematic policies to strategically enable diversity and inclusion efforts throughout ITE.

ITE benefits from having a strong foundation of diversity and inclusion policies because we create an environment where our members feel valued and they are encouraged to share different perspectives, putting us in a position to help our members benefit from innovative and creative solutions.

Diversity & Inclusion Committee Contact Information

Diversity & Inclusion Policy Guidance Document

DSC Resource Center


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  1. Go to the Diversity & Inclusion e-Community.
  2. Click “Join Community” in upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select your preferred communication frequency and click “Yes join the community”.
