About ITE

Great Idea Groups

The transportation industry continues to diversify with the emergence of methodologies based on new data sources that are transforming the decision-making process, new priorities associated with transportation infrastructure development, and new stakeholder groups to collaborate with.  With such a wide variety of need for today’s transportation practicing professional, ITE must remain vigilant and committed to identifying needs of members and enhancing the value of ITE membership by providing a platform for new ideas to be explored, nurtured, and acted upon.  For the past few years ITE has published an annual developing trends report.  This report is an effort by the Councils and Committees that belong to the Council Leadership Team to look to the future and attempt to discern what areas will be the focus of our members within the next two years.  ITE Great Idea Groups (ITE GIGs) provides the opportunities to take these developing trends, along with ideas from across the full membership base and formulate them into actions that may result in long-term focus areas of ITE.  The framework for ITE GIGs is like start-up incubator programs used by investors to allow aspirational business owners access to resources that allow their ideas to flourish without some of the pressures associated with new and innovative ideas.  ITE GIGs will allow for members who are passionate and motivated to bring their ideas forward while also balancing ITE staff resource time to allow for important delivery of other membership initiatives.  Below is a description of how ITE GIGs will work at launch.


GIG Eligibility

  • ITE will consider an application to create a GIG when the following items are satisfied.
    • A member is identified as the GIG leader and has secured a commitment from 10 people to participate in the GIG.
    • The GIG leader has submitted a pitch to the ITE Chief Technical Officer, the International Board of Direction District Representative, and the Council Leadership Team Chair.  The one-page pitch must include:  
      • A one paragraph overview of the group
      • A statement of the group’s purpose
      • A statement of why the applicant believes the topic is not currently covered in any existing ITE group (council, committee, or other effort)
      • A statement of commitment to meeting the ITE goals for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
      • A twelve-month action plan.
    • As an attachment to the one-page pitch, the applicant must include the roster of 10 committed participants and the ITE Districts they belong to.
      • Applicants must consider ITE’s diversity, equity, and inclusion policy when developing the list of participants
    • A commitment from at least 10 people


For consideration of your Great Idea Group proposal, please complete the form found here, and email Syed Ahnaf Morshed


  • ITE is committed to giving GIGs an opportunity to succeed.  After an applicant has approval to establish the GIG, their group will have twelve months of initial support.  To secure support for additional year(s) of organized activities the following metrics will need to be documented.
    • For groups that have less than 50 members, 75% annual membership growth is required.
    • For groups with more than 50 members, 25% annual membership growth is required.
    • One webinar proposal submitted annually.
    • One product/publication pitch submitted to a Council/Committee annually.
      • For ITE GIGs to gain approval for the development of a product/publication the group must obtain the sponsorship of an existing ITE Council or Standing Committee.
    • Once the GIG membership exceeds 100 people, the GIG can be considered by the IBOD for transition to a standing committee.



ITE GIG Services

  • The ITE Chief Technical Officer will approve all GIG applications.  Considerations for approval include but are not limited to:
    • Alignment with ITE strategic goals
    • Group commitment to achieving ITE DEI goals
    • Geographic diversity of membership
    • Industry relevance
    • The quality of the initial action plan
  • Approved GIGs will receive an e-community space to use for collaboration and recruiting
    • ITE will not accept more than 5 new GIGs during any calendar year.
    • A maximum of 10 GIGs can exist at any one time
  • ITE will establish a GIG page on the public facing website as part of the Technical Council content area.  A description of the GIG will be included on that page.
  • Once a GIG is approved to transition to a standing committee, an ITE staff liaison will be assigned, and the group leader will be invited to join the Council Leadership Team.