Chair: Jay Evans, RSG, Washington, DC, USA
Vice Chair: Jiaxu Zhou, AECOM, New York City, NY, USA
The forces of change in today’s world present a high likelihood of a vastly different transportation environment in the next 10 to 20 years. We are seeing billions of data points created each day from infrastructure, in-vehicle sources, and internet of things (IoT) devices. The vision of the committee is to evaluate a three-year horizon and determine strategies and tactics to employ in each year to accomplish the objectives and outcomes contained in this charter.
As this new future continues to take hold, multimodal transportation data needs and usage will remain in place, but with potentially significant changes. Some of our existing data sources, data usage methods, data workflows, and communication media will cease to exist, and some new methods of operations, engineering, planning, big data sources, innovative analytics capabilities, and practices will emerge. This represents a large, potentially massive disruption in the way ITE members do business, the services they offer to the public, and the way those services are delivered.?
Data was identified as a leading developing trend in 2019 by ITE Councils. A series of town hall meetings in 2020 confirmed that members need to expand knowledge of data related topics to adequately perform their jobs. The ITE Data Committee was formed to help members understand more about evolving data capabilities, sources, needs, and application types.
ITE members are invited to join the Data Committee community on ITE Community (member login required).
The ITE Data Committee Task Force is developing a series of informational one-pagers on Data Committee topics, called Quick Bites. These will be published on this page, though the ITE Spotlite newsletter, and on ITE Community as they become available.
Role of Data Committee
If you have questions or would like more information on the ITE Data Committee initiative, please contact ITE Data Committee at
SubCommittees within ITE Data Committee
The Data Committee members have identified 4 main areas of focus:
Subcommittee 1: Explore Data Availability, Quality, Procedures, Standards, Sources and Tools
Leads: TBD
This subcommittee will explore:
Subcommittee 2: Explore Data Governance, Regulations, Privacy, Sharing, and Security
Lead: Jim Hubbell
Subcommittee 3: Explore ITE Member Workforce Development Needs for Data
Lead: Angela Kitali
Subcommittee 4: Explore Data Use Cases, Strategies, Generators, and Consumers
Lead: Adam Moore
Each subcommittee is responsible for creating a number of content in each of the respective focus areas. For Volunteering purposes please contact one of the co-chairs.