About ITE

Planning Council

Chair: Dan Hennessey, City of Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, CA, USA
Co-Vice Chair: Alex Rixey,
Montgomery Planning, Wheaton, MD, USA
Co-Vice Chair: William Capers, District of Columbia Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, USA

Guiding Principle: We collaborate and share transportation planning resources and best practices. 

The Planning Council covers the planning of transportation facilities systems for people and goods, assessing land-use impacts, surveying travel and transportation systems, forecasting transportation needs and analyzing and evaluating transportation programs.

Among its many activities, the council has maintained its active role in technical product development. The council sponsors sessions during ITE’s Annual Meeting and Exhibit, focusing on a variety of issues, including transportation demand management in relation to operations and management, corridor planning methods and transportation planning models. The council continues its work on products such as the update of the site impact analysis recommended practice and success stories on congestion management.

The council actively seeks out the most effective means of communicating with its members. The council has a Discussion Group, where members can post technical questions and receive quick responses from their peers. Click here to join.

Goals of the Planning Council

  • To actively involve ITE members in developing technical products including reports, seminars, and training.
  • To facilitate in the sharing of technical knowledge between members.
  • To recognize outstanding transportation planning efforts through awards activities.
  • To promote the standing of transportation planners among the profession, and among the public at large.

A list of Council Executive Committee members can be found in the membership directory under ITE Council Executive Committee members. A list of Council members can be found under ITE Councils. Select the appropriate Council from the dropdown menu and click "Search".

Professional Transportation Planner™ (PTP) certification program

The Transportation Planning Council is happy to announce that the Professional Transportation Planner™ (PTP) certification program is part of the Council’s efforts to provide members with what is current in the field of transportation planning.

The certification program is designed for candidates who have a wide-range of education and experience in transportation planning. Currently, no other certification program is offered that specifically addresses the work performed by transportation planners. Transportation planning is the discipline that examines and evaluates the potential of future actions to improve movement of people and goods by motor vehicle, public transportation, walking and cycling in accordance with a set of objectives.

Providing cooperative interaction between the public, transportation professionals and decision makers—transportation planning balances the needs of access mobility and safety with environmental economic and social equity concerns.

For more information on the PTP certification, click here.


ITE Transportation Planning Professionals