About ITE

Sustainability Committee

Chair: Krista Purser, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Portland, OR, USA

Vice Chair: Douglas Halpert, Toole Design, Silver Spring, MD, USA

Welcome to the home page for the ITE Sustainability Committee.

ITE’s Sustainability Committee is a group within the Transportation Planning Council; however, the Sustainability Committee seeks to facilitate transportation solutions that incorporate economic, social, and environmental sustainability spanning the range of ITE member interests.  With a committed core of volunteers, the Committee works to move the agenda of sustainability forward on two key fronts:

  1. Integrating it into ITE’s policies, reports and programs; and
  2. Undertaking projects that are focused on fostering sustainable transportation practices.

The Sustainability Committee has the following mission statement:
“Facilitate transportation solutions that incorporate economic, social, and environmental sustainability as span the range of ITE member interests.”

Sustainable transportation projects and programs consider the ability to provide for current needs without compromising the interests of future generations, from economic, social, and environmental perspectives. As a cross-council effort, this task force is promoting both the development and communication of sustainable transportation solutions. 
The roles of the Sustainability Committee are to:

  • Provide recommendations to the ITE Board, Council Leadership Team, and staff on ITE activities and programs in fostering surface transportation solutions that are sustainable from economic, social, and environmental perspectives
  • Identify and champion activities and projects that should be undertaken by one or more Councils to further the definition, evaluation, and professional awareness of sustainable transportation systems
  • Monitor Council activities and projects in these areas and foster the sharing of information among Councils

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Committee membership is controlled entirely through ITE Community. Subscribe to as many councils as you like and get involved.