This course has reached capacity. If you would like to join the waitlist, please contact the ITE Professional Development Sr. Director.
When: April 9 -- May 21, 2025
Course Description
The Implementing the Safe System Approach course is a new certificate-based blending learning course that will provide an in-depth understanding of the Safe System Approach and its application. The Safe System Approach is a holistic and strategic level approach to achieving zero transportation-related severe injuries and fatalities. At its foundation, the Safe System Approach acknowledges that humans make mistakes and are vulnerable to crash impacts. This approach is a change from traditional safety practice and is based on shared responsibility, redundancy, and proactive action across five elements: Safe Road Users, Safe Vehicles, Safe Roads, Safe Speeds, and Post-Crash Care. The intended audience for the course is transportation planners, engineers, safety data analysts, public health professionals, and other key stakeholders with shared responsibility within the Safe System.
This online blending learning course will consist of pre-recorded modules delivered by subject matter experts and four live instructor-led discussion sessions. The first live session features an introduction to Safe System Theory and Practice, including an overview of new legislation and programs. The remainder of the modules will include the following:
Shared responsibility and the System Steward
Safe System and Public Health Considerations
Equity and community engagement
Human factors and traffic safety culture
Analyzing and planning for Safe System implementation
Managing speed with a system approach
Safe System interventions for common road safety problems
Implementing and evaluating Safe System interventions
Funding Safe System Implementation
Building and maintaining partnerships and political support for Safe System interventions
Individuals who successfully complete this program will receive an ITE Implementing the Safe System Approach Certificate. Those holding level one and level two Road Safety Professional certifications will particularly benefit from the deep dive into this key safety topic as well as receiving professional development hours or certification maintenance credits.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Recognize the limitations of conventional approaches to safety policy, planning, and practice.
Explore a balance of responsibility between road users and system owners.
Apply Safe System principles to support transportation and health equity.
Understand what shapes human behavior and traffic safety culture.
Identify approaches to developing a local Vision Zero or Comprehensive Safety Action Plan
Learn how transportation professionals can successfully work with political leaders, community activists, public health leaders, law enforcement officials, and other key stakeholders.
Understand the safe systems pyramid and the fundamentals of public health for safety.
Use qualitative and quantitative data to support proactive and systemic safety planning.
Analyze techniques for influencing speed through road design, operational considerations, and behavior change.
Implement Safe System interventions based on different contexts, including rural and urban, and areas with vulnerable road users.
Recognize barriers to Safe System adoption, including institutional and professional incentives, and how to encourage change.
Propose approaches for initiating and sustaining local cross-sector collaborations.
Compare methods for measuring safety and equity benefits and evaluate the effectiveness of Safe System interventions.
Identify funding sources and opportunities for Safe System Implementation.
Instructor Information
Meghan F. Mitman, AICP, RSP2I | Lead Developer | FEHR & PEERS
Luana Broshears, PhD, PE, PTOE, RSP2i, ITE Technical Staff Liaison | Planning and Safety Director | ITE
Guest instructors: Subject matter experts with extensive experience in Safe System Approach preparation and review will also provide instruction on several modules. These guest instructors’ information and full bios are provided on the module pages they developed.
ITE Member: $600.00
Non-Member: $850.00
This course is designed for quality instructor and student interaction during live sessions and therefore there are limited seats available. Registration is for the entire course. Individual module registration is not available.
Course Schedule
This blended learning course will take place here on the ITE Learning Hub. The training program consists of a series of four 1.5-hour live sessions. Live sessions will consist of answering questions students have from the preceding modules, highlighting various topic areas with interactive components and potential live presentations by guest instructors. The remaining sessions are pre-recorded and broken into sub-modules.
Please note, there are no in-person components to this course.
The virtual live sessions have assigned dates:
1st Live Session: April 9, 2025
2nd Live Session: April 23, 2025
3rd Live Session: May 7, 2025
4th Live Session: May 21, 2025
These live sessions above take place 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. ET/9:30 - 11:00 am PT.*
*live session start times subject to change.
Course Materials
Course material will be located in each module. This includes PDFs of the Power Point presentations for each module, any references, handouts and links if applicable.
How to Earn PDH/CM Credit: Up to 19.5 PDH/CM Credits Available
Each participant will be awarded an ITE Implementing the Safe System Approach Course Certificate upon completion of all the live and pre-recorded sessions, confirmation of knowledge quizzes, required homework assignment and an evaluation of the overall course.
Additional attendees: This course is for individual participation only. Group sessions are not supported. Credit is applied to registrants only.
ITE's Certificate Program
ITE is committed to the education of the transportation industry therefore we have begun the ITE Certificate Program. The ITE Certificate Program will consist of training courses that provide certificates of achievement in a specific area and level of knowledge.
Policies: This Implementing the Safe System Approach course is non-refundable within 5 days prior to the event.
For administrative questions, please contact ITE Professional Development Senior Director.
Important Note for Confirmed Registrants: If you have registered for this program, please add the live event dates/times above to your calendar. You will receive further instruction 3 days prior to the first live event that will include access to the course and live event login information. Please note, this course will not appear in your ITE Learning Hub account until the minimum 3 days prior communication.