Events / Meetings

ITE's MUTCD Summer Webinar Series: Changes Affecting Traffic Signal Designs (4)

MUTCD Summer Webinar Series Overview:

Now that the MUTCD 11th Edition has been published, what’s next? One step is this MUTCD Summer Series of webinars created by members of ITE’s technical councils and committees to share their perspectives on key changes and new items in the 11th Edition. Although not intended to be a comprehensive review of the entire content of the new Manual, these webinars will provide transportation professionals information on the revisions and their application(s). 

To see the webinars that are available in this summer webinar series live or on-demand, navigate here. These webinars are single webinar registration only. There is no full series registration.


When: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET

Webinar Description:

Join us for this webinar as it delves into the new 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This session will provide an in-depth look at changes to Part 4: Highway Traffic Signals. As the first major revision to the MUTCD in over a decade, this section of the Manual focuses on different design and operational features associated with traffic signals and beacons.

Participants will get a brief overview of modifications to the traffic signal warrants, the new section on bicycle signals, the new section on Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), changes to the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon sections, and much more.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain updates from Part 4 of the Manual.
  • Provide comprehensive understanding of new sections.
  • Highlight some of the minor modifications in Part 4.

Adam Allen, PTOE
, National Discipline Leader | Highways & Traffic Engineering | Colliers Engineering & Design | Hamilton, NJ, USA


  • Anthony Mariani, P.E., PTOESenior Project Manager | Traffic Engineering | Colliers Engineering & Design | Hamilton, NJ, USA
  • Anamaria Torres, P.E., PTOESenior Transportation Engineer | Stantec | Austin, Texas, USA
  • Tyler Krage, PTOEAssistant County Traffic Engineer | Dakota County | Minneapolis, MN, USA


ITE Members: Free

Registration for webinar includes the live event, an archived recording with access for 30 days to each registrant. If you are a non-member of ITE you will need to create an account to register. You can create an account here.

PDH Credit Certificate: If you would like PDH Credit for this webinar, there is a processing fee for each registrant of $20 regardless of membership status to receive 1.0 PDH credits certificate. Instructions and link will be provided at the conclusion of the live event. Participants are able to purchase and retrieve their certificate until their access to the content expires. After the content expires and goes into archive, the certificate opportunity is forfeit.