Events / Meetings

Student Leadership Summits


The ITE Student Leadership Summit originated in the ITE Western District in 2014 at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The summits are entirely planned by students, for students. Through the promotion of leadership and professional development, these events aim to guide future transportation professionals. Approximately 100 students, both undergraduate and graduate, typically attend the one to three day events. In addition, ITE’s professional members typically provide support through sponsorships and participation in the summit’s program.

Student leadership summit have been held across the U.S, Canada, and in the ITE Australia and New Zealand Section. Thousands of students have participated in these events. They are a source of great pride for both our students and professional members, helping to grow the number of transportation professionals across the world.

Jerome Martizano, Cal State Fresno, put together a video showcasing the highlights of a recent Student Leadership Summit.


Upcoming Events



Past Events




  • ITE Western District Student Leadership Conference, February 24-26, 2023, co-hosted by USC, CUSF and UCI: Event Details
  • ITE Southern District Student Leadership Summit, March 3-5, 2023, hosted by Mississippi State University: Event Details
  • ITE Canada Student Leadership Summit, June 3-4, 2023 hosted by the University of Manitoba at the University of Manitoba Fort-Garry Campus in Winnipeg
  • MOVITE Student Leadership Summit, June 21-13, 2023, Cedar Rapids, IA
  • Mountain District Student Leadership Summit Hosted by BYU, October 12-14, 2023:




  • January 31 - February 2, 2020: UCLA
  • February 7 - 9, 2020: Florida International University
  • February 28 - March 1, 2020: Georgia Tech


  • February 8 - 10, 2019: University of South Florida
  • February 22 - 24, 2019: Clemson University | Recap video
  • June 1-2, 2019: Canadian Student Summit at Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
  • June 17-19, 2019: Washington University in St. Louis

Looking to host an event?

Click here for information related to best practices in putting together a Student Leadership Summit.

Feel free to contact Colleen Agan at if you have any questions related to hosting a student leadership summit.  We can help put you in touch with past leaders and provide marketing support for your summit.
