
Outstanding Section Award

*fromerly Outstanding Section/Chapter Award

Initiated in 1992 as the Section Activities Award, and later the Outstanding Section/Chapter Award, this award is now called the Outstanding Section Award. It was designed to encourage and promote active involvement by ITE sections in activities promoting the purpose and objectives of ITE. It recognizes the overall quality of section activities, be they technical or non-technical, and may include meetings, committees, reports, seminars and training programs, student participation, career guidance, membership campaigns, public relations activities. 


Past Recipients 

1992 Michigan Section
1994 Florida Section 
1995 Florida Section 
1996 Florida Section 
1997 Georgia Section 
1998 Georgia Section 
1999 Georgia Section 
2000 Wisconsin Section 
2001 Wisconsin Section 
2002 Georgia Section 
2003 Southern California Section
2004 North Carolina Section 
2005 Metropolitan Section of New York and New Jersey 
2006 North Carolina Section 
2007 Colorado/Wyoming Section 

2009 Georgia Section 
2010 Missouri Valley Section 
2011 Florida Section
2012 Missouri Valley Section 
2013 Wisconsin Section 
2014 Missouri Valley Section 
2015 Metropolitan Section of New York & New Jersey 
2016 San Francisco Bay Area 
2017 North Carolina Section 
2018 Georgia Section
2019 Southern California Section
2020 Georgia Section
2021 Metropolitan Section of New York & New Jersey 
2022 North Carolina Section of ITE
2023 Georgia Section of ITE
2024 Mid-Atlantic Section