Best Practices: Eastside Transportation Partnership for Mobility Action Priorities.
Best Project: City of Melbourne for a project, titled Moving Melbourne into the Next Century.
Best Practices: Regional Transportation Authority, Chicago, IL for Marketing Analysis of the Northwest Corridor Transit Feasibility Study.
Best Project: City of Charlotte, NC Department of Transportation for 2025 Integrated Transit/Land?Use Plan for Charlotte?Mecklenburg.
Best Practices: Connecticut Department of Transportation and Wilbur Smith Associates for Hartford West Major Investment Study.
Best Project: City of Shoreline for Aurora Corridor Multimodal Predesign Study.
Best Practices: City of Fort Collins, LSA Associates, Parsons Transportation Group, Civits, Clarion Associates, Jacobs Engineering?Sverdrup, Leland Consulting Group, Recreation Engineering and Planning, Sage V, ThermoRetec and Balloffet and Associates Inc. for Mason Street Transportation Corridor Master Plan.
Best Practices: City of Raleigh, Kimley?Horn and Associates, Inc., and Alternate Street Design for Feasibility Study/Conceptual Plans for the Reconstruction of Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, December 2001.
Best Practices: City of Chicago for Green Line Station Location Study.
Best Practices: City of Boulder, CO for City of Boulder Transportation Master Plan (TMP).
Best Project: Arizona State Department of Transportation was recognized for State Route 179, Village of Oak Creek to Sedona, Needs Based Implementation Plan.
Best Practices: Presented to Grand Valley Area of Michigan for Form?Based Code Study.
Best Project: City of Charlotte, NC for Transportation Action Plan.
Best Project: Florida Department of Community Affairs for Transportation Concurrency: Best Practices Guide.
Best Project: District Department of Transportation (DDOT) for 11th Street Bridges. New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) for Route 31 Integrated Land Use Transportation Plan.
Best Project: Metropolitan Planning Organization for Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Study.
Best Project: Florida Department of Transportation for I?95 Transportation Alternatives Study.
Best Project: Metrolinx for Mobility Hub Guidelines.
Best Project: City of San Antonio for San Antonio Downtown Transportation Study.
Best Project: SIS Bottleneck Study, Florida Department of Transportation
Technical Committee Award: Frank Spielberg, SG Associates Inc., in recognition of his service as Chair of the committee that authored Traditional Neighborhood Development Street Design Guidelines. Chester E. Chellman, White Mountain Survey Company Inc., in recognition of his service as principal author of the publication Traditional Neighborhood Development Street Design Guidelines.
Best Project: Metro Atlanta Operational Planning Study, Georgia Department of Transportation, HNTB Corp
Best Project: Tennessee Department of Transportation for the TDOT 25?Year Long Range Transportation Policy Plan
Best Project: Step Forward: Calgary’s First Pedestrian Strategy
Best Project: Florida Truck Empty Back Haul Analysis