Legacy Fund: Making a Difference
ITE's Legacy Society
Organizations who have donated $100,000+ and individuals who have donated $25,000+
towards the ITE Legacy Fund and/or ITE Diversity Scholars Program.

Kim and Jeff Paniati
Organizations who have donated $20,000+ and individuals who have donated $10,000+
towards the ITE Legacy Fund and/or ITE Diversity Scholars Program.
Enterprise Holdings
Patrick A. Gibson Scholarship
Gorove Slade
John J. Kennedy
Hibbett Neel
Kenneth Voigt
Organizations who have donated $10,000+ and individuals who have donated $5,000+
towards the ITE Legacy Fund and/or ITE Diversity Scholars Program.
Norma Jean and Bruce Belmore
Jack and Caroline Gould
Wulf and Jenny Grote
Randy McCourt
Zaki Mustafa
Legacy Gift
Estate Giving
Zaki Mustafa
Swanson Travel Fellowship
ITE's Leaders Circle
Organizations and individuals who have donated $1,000+
towards the ITE Legacy Fund and/or ITE Diversity Scholars Program.
2021 Virtual Student Leadership Summit Participants
Marsha Anderson Bomar
R. Marshall Elizer
Renee Elofson
Paula C. Flores
Douglas A. Hattery
Tim Harpst
Robert T. Hintersteiner
Michael R. Holt
ITE Consultants Council
In Memory of John LaPlante
Shawn J. Leight
Missouri Valley District
Mountain District
Northeastern District
Past President Diversity Scholarship
Carlton C. Robinson
Keith C. Robinson
Alyssa Rodriguez
Shelley J. Row
Alex Sorton
Southern District
Texas District
Gary T. Tsutsumi
W. Scott Wainright
Alan E. Willis
Robert C. Wunderlich