Events / Meetings

ITE International Collegiate Traffic Bowl


Each year, since 2009, ITE student chapters from Canada and the United States participate in a competition known as the ITE Collegiate Traffic Bowl. This competition features teams comprised of up to 3 students testing their knowledge of ITE, transportation planning and engineering topics as well as some fun categories. Since the Traffic Bowl was introduced as an international program, 121 ITE student chapters have participated in a traffic bowl tournament at section or district events. The teams winning an ITE district competition advance to compete in the Collegiate Traffic Bowl Grand Championship, conducted annually at ITE’s International Annual Meeting and Exhibit.

In 2024, the Traffic Bowl Grand Championship tournament was held in person during the Joint ITE International and Mid-Colonial District Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. Purdue University's ITE student chapter team won the 2024 tournament, and their name has been added to the Voigt/Davis Cup, the trophy for Traffic Bowl Grand Championship.




The first ITE District Traffic Bowl tournament commences in March or April of each year to qualify teams for the Grand Championship.  The results to date and the current schedule are shown below.  For details on participating in your district’s traffic bowl, contact the District Coordinator

 2025 ITE Collegiate Traffic Bowl

2025 District & Grand Championship Tournaments Schedule
Date and Time 
(all times ET)
District Champion
Mid-Colonial University Park, PA (@SLS) November 15, 2024 Penn State
Florida Puerto Rico Boca Raton, FL (@SLS) February 1 University of Florida
Western Los Angeles, CA (@SLS) February 2 University of Washington
Texas Austin, TX April 2-4  
Northeastern NYU April 12  
Missouri Valley Memphis, TN April 14-15  
Southern Memphis, TN April 14-15  
ITE Canada Halifax, NS June 1-4  
Mountain Santa Fe, NM June 4-6  
Great Lakes Indianapolis, IN June 8-10  
Grand Championship Orlando, FL August 11  

Thank you to Econolite for their donation of traffic bowl equipment for each of ITE’s Districts.