Public Agencies are a vital part of ITE’s membership and we try to make it affordable for your agency to be a part of ITE with discounted rates for multiple individuals who join ITE. Currently we have over 30 state departments of transportation and hundreds of cities and counties that make up thousands of ITE members who are publicly employed transportation professionals and have chosen ITE as their home for collaboration, networking, and professional development.
There are 2 options for our public agencies, the Traditional Dues option or the Flat Fee dues option:
The amount billed is based on the number of individuals included in the membership of the agency. You have to sign up a minimum of 5 individuals to take advantage of this offer. (For a sample dues schedule, refer to the table below.) The price of membership includes membership in ITE International, your District, and Section, saving you at least $60 per membership and a higher savings the more people you sign up. (All dues are in U.S. Dollars)
5 | $1,460 | $1,380 | $715 |
10 | $2,745 | $2,590 | $1,420 |
25 | $6,860 | $6,485 | $3,465 |
This option is designed to provide individual memberships for a large number of eligible professional staff members of the agency. Your agency will have the flexibility to add and replace members at any time. Pricing is dependent upon the population size of your respective city, county, region, or state and there is a limit on the number of individuals, capped when the price gets to $125 per person
Small City | $1,875 | $1,720 | $965 |
Medium City | $5,850 | $5,325 | $2,950 |
Large City | $12,000 | $11,000 | $6,100 |
Small County | $1,875 | $1,720 | $965 |
Medium County | $5,850 | $5,325 | $2,950 |
Large County | $12,000 | $11,000 | $6,100 |
Small Regional | $1,875 | $1,720 | $965 |
Large Regional Planning Agency | $5,850 | $5,325 | $2,950 |
Small State/Province | $3,075 | $3,000 | $1,445 |
Medium State/Province | $5,850 | $5,325 | $2,950 |
Large State/Province | $12,000 | $11,000 | $6,100 |
Small Federal Agency | $5,850 | $5,325 | $2,950 |
Medium Federal Agency | $12,000 | $11,000 | $6,100 |
Large Federal Agency | $36,750 | $32,000 | $19,850 |
Small City— Under 250,000; Medium City—250,000 to under 1,000,000; Large City—1,000,000 or greater;Small County—Under 250,000; Medium County—250,000 to under 1,000,000; Large County—1,000,000 or greater; Small Regional Planning Agency—Under 1,000,000; Large Regional Planning Agency—1,000,000 or greater;Small State/Province—Less than 5,000,000; Medium State/Province—Greater than 5,000,000 less than 7,000,000; Large State/Province—Greater than 7,000,000; Small Federal Agency—Less than 20 transportation related employees; Medium Federal Agency—Greater than 20 and less than 50 transportation related employees;Large Federal Agency—50 or greater transportation related employees |
Federal Highway Administration
Alabama Department of Transportation
Alaska Department of Transportation
Arkansas State Highway & Transportation Dept.
BC Ministry of Transportation
California Department of Transportation – Division of Traffic Operations
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Delaware Department of Transportation
District of Columbia Department of Transportation
Florida Department of Transportation
Georgia Department of Transportation
Halifax Regional Municipality – Traffic & Transportation Services
Hawaii Department of Transportation
Illinois Department of Transportation
Indiana Department of Transportation
Iowa Department of Transportation
Kansas Department of Transportation
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Louisiana Department of Transportation
Maryland State Highway Administration
Massachusetts Highway Department
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Mississippi Department of Transportation
Mississippi Department of Transportation, Planning Division
Missouri Department of Transportation
Nebraska Department of Roads
Nevada Department of Transportation
New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
New Mexico Department of Transportation
New York State Department of Transportation
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Nova Scotia Department of Transportation & Inf. Renewal
Ohio Department of Transportation
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
Oregon Department of Transportation
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Saskatchewan Ministry Of Highways And Infrastructure
South Carolina Department of Transportation
Tennessee Department of Transportation
Texas Department of Transportation
Utah Department of Transportation
Vermont Agency of Transportation
Virginia Department of Transportation
Washington State Department of Transportation
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Binghamton Metropolitan Transportation Study
Broward MPO, FL
Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Houston–Galveston Area Council
Greater Nashville Regional Council
Madison County Council of Governments
Maricopa Association of Governments
Metropolitan Transportation Commission, CA
North Central Texas Council of Governments
Pima Association of Governments
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
San Diego Association of Governments
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Texas Southern University
University of Maryland - CATT Laboratory
Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
Ada County Highway District
Alachua County Public Works
Athens-Clarke County Unified Government, GA
Boulder County Public Works, CO
City/County of Honolulu Transportation Services Department
Clark County, NV
Clark County, WA
Cobb County, GA
County of Arlington, VA
County of Fairfax, VA
County of Santa Barbara, Public Works Department
County of Ventura, CA
Douglas County Department of Public Works Engineering, CO
DuPage County Div. of Transportation
Franklin County, OH
Gwinnett County Government, GA
Hennepin County, Public Works–Transportation Department
Howard County Department of Public Works
Jackson County Department of Transportaton
King County Department of Transportation
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government
Los Angeles County DPW Operations Services Division
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority - Highway Program
Manatee County Public Works
Maricopa County
McHenry County Division of Transportation
Monroe County Department of Transportation
Montgomery County
Montgomery County, MD, Planning Department
Multnomah County
Orange County Government–Florida
Orange County Transportation Authority, CA
Palm Beach County, Engineering & Public Works
Pasco County Planning and Development Department, FL
Pierce County Planning and Public Works
Pinellas County, FL Public Works Department
Region of Halton
Region of Peel
Regional Municipality of Durham
Regional Municipality of Niagara
Regional Municipality of Waterloo – Transportation Division
Regional Municipality of York
Riverside County
Road Commission for Oakland County, MI
Sacramento County Department of Transportation
Saint Louis County Department of Transportation and Public Works
San Diego County Department of Public Works
Sarasota County
Snohomish County Public Works
St. Charles County Government, MO
Sturgeon County, AB
Strathcona County
Washington County, MN, Public Works
Washington County, OR
Washoe County–Regional Transportation Commission
Wayne County
Boston Transportation Department
Charlotte Department of Transportation
City of Alexandria, VA
City of Arlington, TX
City of Atlanta DOT, GA
City of Austin
City of Avondale Engineering Department
City of Bellevue - Transportation Department
City of Bellingham Public Works
City of Bend, OR
City of Birmingham, AL
City of Boca Raton
City of Boulder, CO
City of Brampton, ON
City of Brantford, ON
City of Burlington, ON
City of Burnaby, BC
City of Calgary, AB
City of Cambridge, MA
City of Carlsbad, CA
City of Carrollton, TX
City of Cedar Rapids, Traffic Engineering Division
City of Chattanooga, TN
City of Clearwater, FL
City of Columbus, OH
City of Coquitlam
City of Corpus Christi, TX
City of Dallas, TX
City of Denton, TX
City of Des Moines DOT, IA
City of Detroit, MI
City of Diego Transportation Department, CA
City of Dieppe, NB
City of Durham, NC
City of Edmonton, AB
City of El Paso
City of Eugene, OR
City of Federal Way, WA
City of Fort Worth
City of Franklin, TN
City of Fremont, CA
City of Frisco, TX
City of Gainesville, FL
City of Garland
City of Glendale Transportation Department
City of Greensboro Department of Transportation
City of Gresham, OR
City of Hamilton
City of Henderson, NV
City of Hillsboro, OR
City of Houston, TX
City of Hutto, TX
City of Irving, TX
City of Kamloops, BC
City of Kansas City, MO/Public Works
City of Kelowna, BC
City of Kissimmee, FL
City of Knoxville, TN/Department of Engineering
City of Lancaster, CA
City of Las Vegas, Traffic Engineering
City of Lethbridge
City of London, ON
City of Long Beach, CA–Traffic & Transportation Bur.
City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation
City of Lubbock, TX
City of Madison, WI
City of Memphis, TN–Engineering Department
City of Menlo Park, CA
City of Mesa, AZ
City of Milwaukee–DPW/Infrastructure
City of Minneapolis
City of Modesto, CED Department
City of Moreno Valley