ITE Journal is published monthly by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal is written by and for transportation engineers, transportation planners, and others responsible for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on our surface transportation systems.
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Safe System U.S. Leadership: The Pivot, the Progress, and the Work Ahead
By Aisling O’Reilly (S), Dan Hennessey, P.E., T.E., PTOE, PTP, RSP1 (F), Meghan Mitman, AICP, RSP2I (M), and Leah Shahum
How U.S. Communities Are Successfully Implementing the Safe System Approach
By Luana Broshears, Ph.D., P.E., PTOE, RSP2I (M), Theresa J. Chirles, Ph.D., MA, Jeffrey A. Lindley,
P.E. (F), Jeffrey P. Michael, EdD, Jessica McDonough, Jeffrey F. Paniati, P.E. (H), Alicia Romo, Ph.D., RSP1, PMP (M), and C. Y. David Yang, Ph.D. (F)
Implementing Responsible Transportation Resilience
By Melissa Savage, MCP, Rachel McGuire, PTP (M), and Nicole Condol, ENV SP (M)
Posted Speed Limit Change and Spillover Effect: Correlation and Safety Impact
By Alicia Romo, Ph.D., RSP1, PMP (M) Jessica McDonough, Anqi Wei, Ph.D., and C. Y. David Yang, Ph.D. (F)
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