ITE has developed a comprehensive action plan to support the implementation of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 11th Edition. The goal of this action plan is to provide a roadmap of resources and activities that will empower ITE members to smoothly transition to the updated MUTCD standards. Developed in concert with the ITE Councils and Committees, the action plan encompasses a range of activities, from educational workshops and training programs for engineers and planners to public awareness campaigns and resource materials. We hope to equip ITE members with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the new MUTCD, ensuring a safe and efficient transition for all road users.
ITE has partnered with AASHTO and ATSSA to publish a hard copy version of the MUTCD. The print version is fully indexed with matching graphics and is printed on high quality, durable paper.
Use the QR code to purchase your copy of the MUTCD print publication or click here to view in the Book Store.
ITE members will have the opportunity to participate in various professional development courses related to the MUTCD 11th Edition.
This 7-part on-demand webinar series will focus on in-depth topics related to implementing the MUTCD. This series is now available on the ITE Learning Hub. Please click here to access the latest information.
Topics include the following:
ITE Councils, Committees, and staff will be identifying and making changes to existing products that need to be updated based upon changes to the MUTCD 11th Edition.
ITE will update and ensure consistency with the many different standards that ITE manages and develops for the transportation community.
ITE is organizing technical sessions and workshops at upcoming conferences and meetings to provide training, education, and discussion opportunities on the MUTCD 11th Edition.