



ITE's Transportation Achievement Awards are presented annually to recognize excellence in advancing transportation to meet human needs. These awards are open to a variety of entities, including governmental bodies including Tribes, consulting firms, private corporations, and other industry organizations. Beginning in 2025, one individual will also be recognized. Awards are given in six categories:.

One awards may be presented in each of the following six categories: 1. Complete Streets; 2. Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO); 3.Traffic Engineering; 4. Planning; 5. Safety; and 6. Individual.

The Transportation Achievement Awards recognize an organization/entity for one or more of the following:

  1. Development of an innovative concept in the areas of Complete Streets, TSMO, Traffic Engineering, Planning, or Safety.
  2. Implementation of a challenging transportation program through perseverance in its development and promotion.
  3. A program or completed project having a significant effect on transportation.
  4. A multi-faceted transportation program or project, combining many innovative and/or well-applied concepts. Project must be complete or significantly underway.
  5. An initiative that promotes a major advancement in the efficiency and/or economy of transportation.
  6. Projects that advance safety for all the travelling public, including pedestrians, cyclists, and users of alternate means of transport. 
  7. Innovative and effective application of elements such as roundabouts or speed humps.



The awards celebrate organizations and individuals that demonstrate innovative concepts, perseverance in implementing challenging transportation programs, or contributions that significantly impact transportation safety and efficiency. Submissions should highlight initiatives that advance multimodal transportation, improve public safety, and promote sustainable transportation solutions for all.

Category #6– Individual: District Awards Coordinators can now nominate one individual to be considered for the new 6th category, which recognizes a person who has demonstrated excellence in one of the areas of transportation. Where applicable, they may be presented with one of ITE’s Legacy Awards—the Troy A. Peoples Award for Traffic Engineering, the Edmund R. Ricker Award for Safety, or the John LaPlante Award for Pedestrian and Bicycle work.



Award will consist of a trophy or plaque, given at the ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibition Awards Luncheon, as well as recognition in ITE Journal.


Submission/Selection Process via District Awards Coordinators

All nominations for ITE's Transportation Achievement Awards must be submitted by your ITE District Awards Coordinator. The submittal should be in PDF format and limited to a total of five (5) pages (including graphics) that describe the project/program/initiative and indicate how it meets the criteria for the award. The submission should assist the award committee in evaluating the project against the judging criteria. Multiple categories may be selected when entering a submission; however, entrants may only be recognized in one category.

There should be only one submission per District per category. ITE members should submit nominations to your District Award Coordinator by March 1. District Coordinators should upload nominations to ITE's awards portal by April 1.

Nominations are evaluated by a committee of ITE Board members—the Transportation Achievement Awards Committee and Council Chairs.

To be considered for recognition, submissions must be received as one PDF by April 1 via submissions uploaded by District Awards Coordinators will be considered.


Judging Criteria

30 points – Application of innovative ideas

30 points – Exhibits a commitment to the advancement of the profession

30 points – Strong applicability to the industry

10 points – Well-balanced scope and format