Professional and Career Development

Transportation Impact Analysis Training Program

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TPCB Certifications



Spring 2025 Course Date to be Announced! March 24 - April 28, 2025.


Registration will open January 2, 2025. Learn More and Register Here.


Course Description

The Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Training Program is a new certificate-based, blended learning program that provides students with a comprehensive coverage of the technical elements of the TIA preparation and review. This training program consists of eight modules providing a full understanding of the practice of transportation impact analysis including three interactive instructor-led discussions and five pre-recorded modules accessible anytime within the program period to accommodate the pace and schedule of the student.

Topics covered include requirements for when a TIA is required, recommended qualifications for both the preparer and reviewer, definition of the site development characteristics, designation of the study area and description of its characteristics, description of TIA-specific analysis tools, assessment of current conditions and forecast methods for evaluating future conditions, estimation of modal trips generated by site, distribution and assignment of site-generated modal trips, multi-modal analysis, safety analysis, evaluation of site access needs, identification of on-site and off-site mitigation alternatives that support TIA recommendations, and preparation and presentation of a complete final report.

Three live instructor led discussion sessions will also provide real-world case studies and address new and emerging issues such as impact fees and special assessment districts and the impacts of COVID-19 on traffic impact analysis. This program will also provide the student a TIA example problem to work through and then discuss with instructors on a live session. The live sessions will be interactive and participant engagement is strongly encouraged. Individuals who successfully complete this training program will receive an ITE Training Program Certificate.


Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the need for and purpose of conducting a TIA
  • Identify the types and extent of information to be presented in a TIA report
  • for the preparer - the steps involved to develop the necessary information
  • for the reviewer - the appropriate level of review
  • Become familiar with the range and depth of analyses appropriate for different types of TIA
  • Classify the tools and techniques for required analysis
  • Demonstrate techniques for presenting and sharing the results of a TIA


Instructor Information

Lisa Fontana Tierney, P.E., ITE Technical Staff Liasion | Traffic Engineering Senior Director | ITE

Paul Villaluz, P.E., PTOE, RSP1, DTM, Senior Project Manager | Westwood

Guest instructors: Subject matter experts with extensive experience in TIA preparation and review do provide instruction on several modules. The guest instructors are:

Grant Schultz, Ph.D, P.E., PTOE
Eric Tripi, P.E., PTOE
Dan Hardy, P.E., PTP
Brad Strader, AICP, PTP
Eric Tripi, P.E., PTOE
Rick Schroder, P.E.
Kevin Hooper, P.E.
Randy McCourt, P.E., PTOE
Wes Kumfer, Ph.D, RSP1
Luana Broshears, Ph.D, P.E., PTOE, RSP2i
Paul Villaluz, P.E.
Federico Puscar, MASc, P.Eng., PTOE
Brad Strader, AICP, PTP
Dianne Zimmerman, P.E.
Erik Ruehr
Matthew Davis, P.Eng, PE, PTOE, FITE 



ITE Member: $600.00

Non-Member: $850.00

This course is designed for quality instructor and student interaction during live sessions and therefore there are limited seats available. Registration is for the entire course. Individual module registration is not available.

Course Schedule

This training program will take place on the ITE Learning Hub and will consist of eight 1 to 1.5 hour sessions. Sessions 1, 5, and 8 will consist of live interactive sessions. The remaining five sessions are pre-recorded and broken into sub-modules. The attendee will be expected to view Sessions 2, 3 and 4 prior to the Module 5 live session. The attendee will be expected to view Sessions 6 and 7 prior to Module 8 live session.The live sessions have will have assigned dates that will be 1.0-1.5 hour in length.


Course Materials

Course material will be located in each module. This includes PDFs of the Power Point presentations for each module, any references, handouts and links if applicable.


How to Earn PDH Credit:  12 PDH/CM Credits Available

The course in its entirety is 12 PDH/CM credits. Each participant will be awarded an ITE TIA Training Program Certificate upon completion of all the live and pre-recorded sessions, confirmation of knowledge quizzes, TIA example problems assignment and an evaluation of the overall course.


ITE's Certificate Program

ITE is committed to the education of the transportation industry therefore we have begun the ITE Certificate Program. The Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Training Program is part of ITE's new and growing Certificate Program offerings and is designed to show mastery over a defined area or topic. The ITE Certificate Program will consist of training courses that provide certificates of achievement in a specific area and level of knowledge. We are in development of additional Certificate Program offerings moving forward and will share more information as they are developed.


Policies: This Transportation Impact Analysis Training Program is non-refundable within 5 days prior to the event. This course is for individual participation only. Group sessions and additional attendees are not supported. Credit is applied to registrants only.


For questions, please contact ITE Professional Development Senior Director.