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  1. 261.
    Thompson made a motion to vote on the proposed ballot. Steve Dellenback seconded. Votes: Eight (8) Yes and Four (4) Absent to approve the maintenance update TMDD v3.1 Next Steps: Standard will be edited and published. SDO ballot is not required for maintenance update. Meeting adjourned at 12:21 PM EST. Meeting Context: Based on inputs from deployers and SC Web Mtg Mins 1_3_20.pdf
  2. 262.
    Care should be taken to 8 remove postings as soon as the vacancy is filled, providing a posted date next to the notice may serve as a helpful reminder for older posts to be taken down. SPONSORS DSC sponsors should be listed on this page. Information such as sponsor logos, website links, descriptions should be placed on this page. Additional Guidance for DSCs - Final.pdf
  3. 263.
    8. unreasonable restrictions on the development or use of technologies; or 9. any matter which is inconsistent with the proposition that each company must exercise its independent business judgment in pricing its service or products, dealing with its customers and suppliers and choosing the markets in which it will compete
  4. 264.
    Final Round Game (8) University of Minnesota 2800 1 2801 (XX) = Seeding with top seeded team choosing first clue to start a game Oregon State University 2021 Traffic Bowl Grand Champion SCORING 2021 GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TRAFFIC BOWL BRACKET Semi-Final Round Final Round Champion SCORING 132 Published on Site/Conference and Meeti...
  5. 265.
    8. unreasonable restrictions on the development or use of technologies; or 9. any matter which is inconsistent with the proposition that each company must exercise its independent business judgment in pricing its service or products, dealing with its customers and suppliers and choosing the markets in which it will compete
  6. 266.
    Coordination Plan Published 8/11/2023 Task 3.2 MAT Use Cases Published 11/16/2022 Task 3.1 Multimodal and Accessible Transportation (MAT) Use Case Review Published 7/22/2022 Task 2 Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Cybersecurity and Privacy Risks Whitepaper 3/30/2022 Task 1 Project Management Plan (PMP) Published 12/2/2022 Schedule Published 3/30/2022 POP Period
  7. 267.
    Action Plan 2023 8 Create an outline and small group assignments to generate content End of April Annual Meeting Working Draft Joe At the Annual Meeting in August Peer review Joe End of October Final draft submitted to ITE Joe End of December Project 4: TSMO Project Prioritization Technical Brief Start to document how planning organizations successfully Published on Site/Council and Committe...
  8. 268.
    8. unreasonable restrictions on the development or use of technologies; or 9. any matter which is inconsistent with the proposition that each company must exercise its independent business judgment in pricing its service or products, dealing with its customers and suppliers and choosing the markets in which it will compete Meeting Guidelines(1).pdf
  9. 269.
    Action Plan 2023 8 4/4/2023 April 4, 2023 “Making Crossings Safer, an Agency wide approach” Ryan McClain City of Phoenix, City of Lancaster 7/25/2023 [TBD] Transit Standing Committee 1/31/2023 Transit, Health, and Equity Y TBD Fred Neal, Heidi Guenin 5/18/2023 Rail-to-Air Y TBD Use the table above to describe a high-level overview of the projects that Published on Site/Council and Committe...
  10. 270.
    Committee Approved Draft 8 Design Content – User Comment Draft ITS_Cabinet_v01.02.16 7a Design Content - Committee Working Draft 3 7 Design Content - Committee Working Draft 2 6 Design Content - Committee Working Draft 1 ITS Cabinet Standard DRAFT v01.02.17a Word | PDF 5 Concept of operations - Part B– Standards Requirements Specifications 4 Concept of
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