
ITE Delegation to the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD)

    ITE is a sponsoring organization of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD) whose purpose is to:

 Assist in the development of standards, guides and warrants for traffic control devices and practices used to regulate, warn and guide traffic on streets and   highways; and to educate the public, further public safety, and stimulate research concerning traffic control.

ITE is a member of Group I, NCUTCD, generally representing state, county and local officials having the legal responsibility of administering public roadway programs. ITE is authorized to appoint eight Members and eight Associate Members to the NCUTCD. These 16 appointments are commonly referred to as the ITE Delegation to the NCUTCD. Members are permitted to vote on issues in the NCUTCD General Council meetings and hold office. The Associate Members serve as alternates to any Member that may be unable to attend an NCUTCD Council meeting. Both Members and Associate Members serve also as a member of a NCUTCD Technical Committee.

A. Appointment. The Chair of the ITE Delegation and the ITE staff liaison to the Delegation shall prepare a list of potential candidates for each appointment to available Member or Associate Member vacancies. The recommended list shall be submitted to the ITE Deputy Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer for review, approval, and recommendations. The ITE President shall select and make appointments and re-appointments from the recommended list of candidates. Appointments to the ITE Delegation will be made in January each year following the NCUTCD meeting. ITE membership shall be required for appointment to Member or Associate Member of the ITE Delegation.

B. Term of Office. The appointment as a Member shall be for an initial three-year term. Members may be reappointed for five additional one-year terms to a maximum of eight years.

  1. The appointment as an Associate Member shall be for an initial three-year term. Associate Members may be reappointed for two additional three-year terms for a total of nine years as an Associate Member.
  2. When an ITE Member is elected as an NCUTCD Officer or appointed as a Technical Committee Chair or Vice-Chair, he/she shall automatically be appointed to a new term of three years on the ITE Delegation. This appointment can be extended for an additional three-year term for a total of six years of service as an Officer or Technical Committee Chair or Vice-Chair. These appointments may allow a total term as a Member to extend beyond the maximum term of eight years as noted in the first paragraph of this section.

C. Chairman Selection and Responsibilities. The ITE staff liaison to the Delegation shall prepare a list of potential Members to serve as Chair of the ITE Delegation. The ITE Deputy Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer will review and make a recommendation. The ITE President will appoint a Member of the ITE Delegation as Chairperson of the Delegation to serve on the NCUTCD Executive Board and be responsible for the administration of the ITE Delegation or other activities that may be assigned. The Chair of the ITE Delegation shall hold the two meetings of the Delegation annually, normally in January and June. The status of delegation appointments and consideration of new appointments shall be addressed in this meeting as well as other items pertaining to the delegation or NCUTCD business.

  1. The ITE Delegation Chairperson shall be responsible for providing the ITE Executive Committee and ITE Board of Direction (IBOD) with regular updates with regard to issues, ballots or actions to be taken by the NCUTCD.  The Chairperson is also responsible for keeping the ITE Delegation informed on the strategic direction set by the IBOD so that Delegation members can appropriately represent ITE interests as part of their representation and involvement on the NCUTCD.

D. Delegation Selections. Based on the NCUTCD bylaws, at least 2/3 of the total number of Members and Associate Members on the ITE Delegation shall, at the time of appointment, be government members. Delegates that have served over 20 years as a government employee prior to changing employment out of government service shall be considered as government employees in this 2/3 limitation.

The first consideration for appointment to a delegation position shall be as follows:

  1. Member: Selection from the ITE Delegation Associate Members. It is ITE’s intent to accommodate the election of ITE members to positions of leadership within the NCUTCD. Therefore, ITE will give consideration to at-large ITE members who are serving on NCUTCD Technical Committees if he/she is being considered for a Technical Chair or officer position within the NCUTCD.
  2. Associate Member: Selection from the NCUTCD Technical Committee membership or other active ITE member with significant knowledge and experience in traffic control devices. ITE has a group of volunteer NCUTCD reviewers that can be used to select Associate Members.

The appointment to the ITE Delegation shall generally represent a balance among the ITE membership taking the following into consideration:

  1. Geographical distribution (ITE US Districts).
  2. Employer types represented (Recognizing that States are also represented by AASHTO, Counties by NACE and Cities by APWA/IMSA while maintaining the 2/3 government representation).
  3. Representation on the NCUTCD Technical Committees.
  4. Responsibility for traffic control device applications, research, manufacture or other direct traffic control device involvement.
  5. Candidate’s length of service on NCUTCD and meeting attendance and participation.
  6. Service or potential service as an NCUTCD Officer, Technical Committee Chair or Task Force Chairperson.

E. End of term. The term of an ITE Delegation appointee may be ended at any time by ITE for the following circumstances:

  1. End of the current term of appointment.
  2. Voluntary written relinquishment of the appointment.
  3. Absence from three consecutive NCUTCD meetings.
  4. Consistent failure to participate in NCUTCD business.
  5. Change of employment type, retirement or other changes that impact ITE Delegation balance. (Normally, appointees would be permitted to complete current terms if requested).
  6. Failure to be re-elected as an NCUTCD Officer or re-appointed as a Technical Committee Chair. 

Acknowledgement of service will occur through written notification from the ITE President at the end of the Delegates term.

ITE Delegation to the NCUTD


Ahmed E. Aburahmah

Eagan L. Foster

H. Gene Hawkins, Jr.

Katherine W. Falk 

Marc S. Jacobson

Michael J. Cynecki

Scott O. Kuznicki

Zoubir A. Ouadah

Associate Members:

Amitai Lipton

Joey Paskey

Karen Hankinson

Nicholas T. Nene

Peter J. Yauch

Roxane Mukai

Ransford S. McCourt

Venu Nemani

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the ITE Delegation to the NCUTCD, contact Luana Broshears at