
Connected Work Zone Implementation Guidance Standardization (CWZ Standard) 

Work zone safety is of utmost concern to transportation agencies. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2020, there were 857 fatalities and an estimated 102,000 work zone crashes in the United States. There have been numerous Connected Vehicle (CV) research projects, deployments and standards developed to support work zone safety. However, there have been inconsistencies with the interpretations and implementation of the existing standards, and with the use and expectations of the data exchanged between the infrastructure devices (e.g., mobile dynamic message signs) and CV devices. These include  the roadside units (RSUs) and on-board units (OBUs) on vehicles.  There are also inconsistencies between deployments, such as usage of different data and data formats across interfaces, and security requirements.  Another discovery was that most infrastructure owner operators (IOOs) do not have the manpower or technical knowledge to properly deploy and operate these CV-enabled work zones. These deployment issues highlight a need for an industry standard that enables national interoperability and provides guidance to IOOs on how to deploy, operate and maintain the CV-enabling devices.

USDOT is sponsoring the Connected Work Zones Standard Implementation (CWZ Standard) to develop, publish, verify, and validate a Connected Work Zone (CWZ) Standard that defines the data elements, capabilities, and interfaces a connected work zone must support to ensure interoperability for state/local infrastructure owner/operators (IOO) and vehicle operators. A connected work zone is defined as a set of technologies that generates or collects work zone information (whether automatically or manually) as well as the infrastructure that broadcasts/distributes this information to the public and to vehicles.


Project Objective 

The primary objective of this project is to publish a non-proprietary, industry-based consensus standard that defines the key data elements, capabilities, and interfaces for a CWZ Standard, utilizing the USDOT-chartered WZDx Specification version 4.1 as a starting point, if available, otherwise we shall follow version 4.0.

The CWZ Standard will:

  • address ambiguities and gaps identified by early deployers, and consolidate multiple independent implementation and standards efforts, to lead to the interoperability of future CWZ deployments across the United States; and
  • be published as a Connected Transportation Interoperability (CTI) document.

The outputs of this project may include implementation guides, validation reports, reference implementations, presentations, and recommendations to other referenced standards, to support the developed CWZ Standard as determined by a consensus process.

Here is the link to access the Microsoft Team: WG - Connected Work Zones Stnd

To join this project as a stakeholder, send an email to subject line: CWZ project

CWZ Recommended Standard is Published Now

ITE is happy to inform you that the Connected Work Zones (CWZ) Implementation Guide and Standard is available now. Please access the published version of the CWZ Recommended Standard via the following link-

Connected Work Zones (CWZ) Implementation Guide and Standard

Version No.

Standard/Document Name

Overall Status - Not Started / Under Development / Published 

Date Completed

  Presentation on CWZ Reference Implementation Not Started   
  Documentation on CWZ Reference Implementation Not Started   
  Open Source CWZ Reference Implementation Not Started   
  Updated CWZ Standard and Implementation Guidance  Not Started   
  CWZ Validation Report  Not Started   
  CWZ Standard MIB and/or ASN.1 Not Started   
  CWZ Recommended Standard  Published 2/28/2025
  Notice of Intent  (NOI) Published 8/28/2024
  Standard Development Report (SDR) Published 6/20/2024
  CWZ Schemas Published 6/18/2024
CWZ v00.23 Draft Recommended Connected Work Zone (CWZ) Standard Published 6/18/2024
CWZ v00.16 User Comment Draft (UCD) of CWZ Standard Published
  SDD Walkthrough Comment Resolution Report Published 3/20/2024
  SDD Walkthrough Plan Published 8/24/2023
CWZ v00.08 Draft System Design Details (SDD) Published 8/23/2023
  SRS Walkthrough Comment Resolution Report  Published  8/24/2023
  SRS Walkthrough Plan Published  5/23/2023
CWZ v00.03 Draft System Requirement Specification (SRS)  Published  5/30/2023
  ConOps Walkthrough Comment Resolution Report  Published 5/28/2023
  ConOps Walkthrough Plan Published  2/9/2023
CWZ v00.01 Draft Concept of Operations (ConOps)  Published 2/22/2023
  System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) Published   


Project Management Plan (PMP)



  Schedule Published 5/31/2024
  Period of Performance (POP)   8/15/22 - 8/14/2025