
Traffic Signal LED Module Specification Workshop and Informational Report for Snow Conditions

The Institute of Transportation Engineers developed the national standard for LED traffic signal heads. The standard has been developed over several decades in partnership with the public and private sectors. The standard has been adopted and used across the country and has been the basis for U.S. Department of Energy’s effort to convert all signal heads to LED’s. The regulation for LED traffic signal modules, quoting ITE specifications was part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

In recent years the issue of ice and snow build-up on the lens has been noted as an issue by both public agencies and in the news media. The lack of heat from the LED’s vs. an incandescent light source has been identified as a problem.

The goal of this project is to address the subject more formally and by convening a workshop of users and manufacturers, as well as representatives from the following stakeholder associations such as AASHTO, NEMA, IMSA, APWA, FHWA and ITE and the U.S. Department of Energy to discuss the issue and possible solutions. The ultimate goal is to revise the existing standard to address snow and ice build-up while fulfilling all other characteristics called for in this standard.


Stakeholder Workshop to Solicit Feedback on LED Issues and Potential Solutions
with Ice and Snow Build-Up on LED Traffic Signal Lenses
Washington, DC December 14-15, 2010

  • LED Workshop Flyer PDF
  • LED Workshop Agenda Word | PDF
  • LED Workshop Notes Word | PDF
  • LED Workshop - Day 1 Highlights PPT
  • Scope of Project, Workshop and Informational Report PPT
  • Geographic and Environmental LED Surface Conditions (ITE) PPT
  • Combating the Effects of Snow and Ice on LED Traffic Signals- Case Study (City of Green Bay, WI) PPT
  • Experience with Snow Build-up on LED Traffic Signal Lenses- Case Study (Wisconsin DOT) PPT
  • Snow Scoop Visor (McCain, Inc.)
  • Green Light Deicers (Green Light Deicers, LLC) PPT
  • LED Snow Pack (New York State DOT) PPT
  • Crash Risk and Liability Issues (Traffic Signal Expert)
  • Snow Sentry (Fortran) PPT