Welcome to the community of transportation leaders. ITE Sections have been led by some of the industry’s most influential professionals. Many have used the experiences early in their careers to increase their exposure to a larger network of local professionals, enhance their collaboration and leadership skills in a non-employer & social setting, share the latest technical activities in their region, help students and young professionals transition into the industry, and engage with your community in outreach including STEM. ITE is there to help you along that journey. You decided to run for office and were elected to ITE Leadership– Now what?
To help you succeed in ITE leadership, this Resource Guide outlines areas where ITE staff and fellow members are available to support you. There are numerous resources available and this self-guided outline is here to help you be aware of how to access them. We encourage you to participate in both District and International Annual Meetings to increase your network of professionals and engage with other Section leaders to share experiences. ITE staff host a quarterly DSC Leadership Webinar to keep you up to date on key issues and help answer questions. Be on the lookout for invites to those calls. In addition, LeadershipITE is a great way to increase your leadership skills and knowledge. Find out more about the program here: LeadershipITE.
Over the years we have found Section leadership involves several functional areas in serving membership. There are some best practices, lessons learned and ideas that you may find appropriate and able to put to use in your leadership role. The following parts of this document provide some of this background.
Always know during your leadership tenure that we are there to help you. ITE staff are just an email or call away. ITE District officers and International Directors are available to answer questions and help you with needs such as finding speakers, collaborating on events, and mentoring you so that your experience is not simply another thing on your to-do list. Your term as an elected officer will go by faster than you expect. Make the most of it!