District Annual Meetings are commonly larger events which include many elements of an International Annual Meeting. These require greater attention to contracting and space requirements due to their financial implications. Nearly all District Meetings are jointly hosted by the District and local arrangements committee from the local Section. Having procedures for these meetings is a District responsibility. They involve complexities that are expensive to address: audio visual, wifi, exhibit hall set-up, power, food & beverage, room attrition, deposits, liquidated damages, etc.
Each of our Districts hosts one (or more) meetings per year and we try to coordinate ITE International and Executive Committee involvement with each of them. Districts are asked to stay within a window of time so as not to overlap with one another. Information on the District windows and 2025 meeting dates is available here. Guidance may be available on you District website.
Section meetings are commonly lunchtime events often hosted at restaurants or hotels. Some are held at agency, consultant or university sites to reduce costs by bringing in take-out food. Finding speakers is a key role for Section leadership. Many Sections program their meeting presentation content prior to the coming year in a strategy session with the officers. Topics can be aligned with developing trends or emerging initiatives of ITE. Virtual meetings allow a wider range of potential speakers. If leaders struggle to identify topics or speakers, they can reach out to District officers, International officers or ITE Council and Committee chairs for ideas and speakers or use the ITE Speaker Directory listed below.
International ITE Annual Meetings involve collaboration with Districts and Sections and Districts who do a joint meeting with International, do not have a stand alone District meeting in that year. International Directors will typically bring the request from a District to the International Board of Directors by completing this packet.
ITE opens Call for Abstracts for the Annual Meeting and Exhibition in October of each year. At that time, you are invited to submit an abstract in support of the upcoming Annual Meeting and Exhibition. ITE seeks abstracts that address the broad range of issues that underlie transportation's transformative role in building vibrant, livable, and healthy communities.
In developing your abstract, we encourage you to thoughtfully consider the conference theme and purpose of the meeting and shape your proposed presentation appropriately. An attendee needs to come away from your presentation with immediately applicable tools and/or skills or a clear vision how what you presented will shape the future of transportation.
If you have any questions regarding the Call for Abstracts, you should contact Matt Hardy, ITE Deputy Executive Director & CTO at mhardy@ite.org.
Note: The LAC for the district jointly hosting the annual meeting will be asked to provide volunteers to review the abstract submissions.
The International Board approved these two pieces in April of 2024 and they are applicable to all of ITE, Districts, Sections, and Chapters as far as conduct of all participants at any ITE related event.
In addition to providing guidelines related to conduct, these also provide reporting recommendations, including the use of the ITE Report an Incident portal.
Districts, Sections, and Chapters are encourage to add and/or link the Code of Conduct to your website and to make the Event Conduct Statement accessible to meeting registrants and attendants. This could mean printing it in any on-site materials, adding it to a meeting app, or making sure it's linked in confirmation emails.
Adam Martin, ITE’s Director of Meetings, serves as your primary contact for meeting and event related information. He can be reached at amartin@ite.org or 202-464-6234.
In 2019, ITE began holding quarterly webinars for DSC members planning meetings/events. Each webinar focuses on a topic determined by questions submitted by DSC members. There is also a time for open discussions and Q&A. If your meeting managers are interested in joining the webinars, please have them email Adam Martin to be added to the email list.
Adam is available to review your venue and third-party contracts as well. You can email the contracts to his requesting review. Please allow 48 hours for review.
Individuals who choose to join ITE as members should receive clear financial benefit from supporting the organization at all levels – International, District, Section/Chapter. This serves as an important incentive for non-members to join ITE.
At the International level we have adopted a policy of providing members with a minimum of a 33% discount for all paid conferences, professional development and publications. For example, a product that is priced at $150 for a non-member will be priced at $100 for a member. At times we may decide to provide a product to members for free. When we do so we continue to charge non-members the full value of that product. The only time we provide a product for free to members and non-members is when the delivery is fully subsidized by USDOT or a private sector entity.
We believe a similar approach must be implemented at the District and Section/Chapter levels. In-person events should have differential pricing for members and non-members. We recommend the 33% discount as a starting point, but recognize that depending on the nature of the event and the pricing structure there will be variation. In general, even when the Districts and Section/Chapters choose to offer events for free to members, non-members should be charged (at least nominally). General sponsorship support should accrue to members over non-members. When a sponsor is funding a specific event the District or Section/Chapter may choose to make it free for both members and non-members.
Discounted or free pricing can also be used to attract key target audiences. At the International level, former affiliate members have been offered the opportunity to join for free for the first year and at a 50% discount for the second. Meeting pricing has been discounted for groups of public agency participants (regardless of membership status) that register. Public agency members are offered free access to certain webinars sponsored by the private sector. Similarly, a District or Section/Chapter may choose to offer free or discounted pricing to public agency non-members or give non-members free access to a product or service for a limited time as an incentive to join ITE.
Beginning in 2023, we are able to better support our Districts and Sections by helping to track PDHs for their events, for free.
The following information outlines ITE’s guidelines for issuing professional development hours (PDHs) for Districts, Sections and Chapters hosting local meetings. This service is provided for ITE programs only.
using this form: https://forms.office.com/r/wPkeXqQ0vy
The information we need includes:
All meeting attendees will have 60 days to complete the evaluation provided and receive their certificate. After 60 days, the evaluation will not be available.
*For New York State: Sign-in sheets for each session must be submitted to ITE at the conclusion of the meeting.
Please note:
Questions? Please feel free to contact Eunice Thoya, ITE Membership Associate, ethoya@ite.org
We recommend reviewing the AICP CM Providers Toolkit to see if your programming meets the qualifications for providing CM credit.
If your District or Section wants to apply to be a CM provider, we have this information to share related to pricing and the application process including examples of ITE International's programming that has been approved for CM credits, so you can view examples: CM Provider Information
However, the toolkit listed above and the CM Provider FAQ that APA makes available here: https://www.planning.org/cm/provider-faq/ are the most reliable and up to date references.
Should you have questions, please contact Colleen Agan, ITE Deputy Executive Director/Chief Membership Officer, at cagan@ite.org.
In addition to joint Annual Meeting opportunities, there is also the opportunity to host the International Board of Direction and LeadershipITE in conjunction with your District Annual Meeting. You can find the requirements here.