About ITE

ITE Committee on Ethics in the Transportation Profession

Chair: Spencer Maxwell, P.E., PMP, Associate, Freese and Nichols, Inc., Fort Worth, TX.
Vice Chair: Steven Palmer, Gannett Fleming, Inc., Harrisburg, PA, USA

Guiding Principle: Build awareness and education of the ITE Cannon of Ethics with our membership.

The ITE Committee on Ethics in the Transportation Profession was formed to examine ethical issues inherent in the transportation profession and to determine how ITE could best assist its members in this area. This page will continue to grow as the committee develops and identifies new materials of interest.

Ethics Resources 


ITE Journal Case Study Articles on Ethics

  1. Ethics Forum, (2023), August ITE Journal To Act or Not to Act, What is Your Responsibility?
  2. To Save Lives and Create Healthy Communities: An ITE Member’s Responsibilities (2023)
  3. Ethics Forum, (2021), June ITE Journal Citywide Speed Limits
  4. Ethics Forum, (2020), December ITE Journal The Charlie Brown Syndrome
  5. Ethics Forum, (2020), February ITE Journal article on "How to place Equity at the Center of Our Work"
  6. Ethics Forum, (2020), January ITE Journal Is Cheaper Right?
  7. Ethics Forum, (2019), July ITE Journal Road Diet Rookie
  8. Ethics Forum, (2019), February ITE Journal Signed and Sealed
  9. Ethics Forum, (2018), July ITE Journal Speed Zoning Standoff
  10. Ethics Forum, (2018), April ITE Journal Responsible Engineer
  11. Ethics Forum, (2017), December ITE Journal The Wrong Answer
  12. Ethics Forum, (2017), July ITE Journal Bad Choices
  13. Ethics Forum, (2017), May ITE Journal Planning Conflict
  14. Ethics Forum, (2017), March ITE Journal I Have The Contract Wired!
  15. Ethics Forum, (2016), October ITE Journal What Price Safety
  16. Ethics Forum, (2016), June 2016 ITE Journal Unwarranted Traffic Controls
  17. Ethics Forum, (2016), January ITE Journal Company Resources
  18. Ethics Forum, (2015), October ITE Journal Sharing Knowledge or Cheating on Exams?
  19. Ethics Forum, (2015), July ITE Journal Travel Expenses
  20. Ethics Forum, (2015), April ITE Journal Design Exceptions
  21. Ethics Forum, (2015), January ITE Journal Bait and Switch
  22. Ethics Forum, (2014), November ITE Journal The City Planner and Development
  23. Ethics Forum, (2014), August ITE Journal Recommended Practice and Standards
  24. Ethics Forum, (2014), May ITE Journal Conflict of Interest
  25. Ethics Forum, (2014), February ITE Journal Minimum Design Requirements
  26. Ethics Forum, (2013), February ITE Journal Multiple Proposals
  27. Ethics Forum, (2012), December ITE Journal Billable Hours vs. Overhead
  28. Ethics Forum, (2012), September ITE Journal A Free Lunch
  29. Ethics Forum, (2012), May ITE Journal ITE Ethics Survey Results
  30. Ethics Forum, (2012), February ITE Journal Consultant Campaign Contribution
  31. Ethics Forum, (2011), October ITE Journal The Developer and the TIA
  32. Ethics Forum, (2011), July ITE Journal The Exclusive Expert and Deposition
  33. Ethics Forum, (2011), April ITE Journal Where Does the Water Go? Freeway drainage                   

The committee welcomes recommendations regarding suggested action or production of materials to encourage and support the highest quality of ethical service from our profession. Please forward your ideas to Lisa Fontana Tierney, 202-785-0060 ext. 116 or lfontana@ite.org.